Top work in Top Designs

Year-12 student Kayley (Damjan Janevski). 394062_02

A Sunbury student’s work is set to be showcased at the Melbourne Museum when Top Designs returns for 2024.

The exhibition will include creations of 87 exceptional exhibitors from more than 1000 applications of VCE and VCE VET design and technology students.

Salesian College student Kayley Irvine created both a portfolio and animation for her trailer for the fictional video game Wattle in the VET Visual Communication Design category.

Kayley said she is looking forward to being able to meet all the other amazing artists, and will be attending the exhibition with her family and her friends.

“I think I entered into top designs to see if I’m capable if that makes sense. It’s really validating to get into this exhibition,” she said.

“My process involves a lot of learning. I like to sketch while watching YouTube videos on art tips, trying to take little tidbits to add to my folio and work.”

Kayley said her animation illustrates a funny quoll, named Wattle, and her scramble to escape from a Tasmanian Devil after stealing its waratah flower.

“Wattle is a cartoon character design based on an Eastern quoll. Her exaggerated appearance helps emphasise a silly, laid-back attitude,” she said in her exhibitor statement.

Kayley said developing a concept is her favourite part of the creation process, and she recommends Ethan Becker’s YouTube channel and the animator’s survival kit.

“Usually I have a lot of ideas and I just go all over the place,” she said. “With my character design I have half a sketchbook worth of development sketches I didn’t even put in my folio. It’s just fun.”

Top Designs 2024 is open from March 23, to July 14, at Melbourne Museum.

Zoe Moffatt