Tin Shed Music

Sunbury musician and 'TinShedMusic' programmer Chris Galea (Damjan Janevski) 414498_01

Oscar Parry

Rock-focused radio program ‘TinShedMusic’ on Sunbury FM features a wide range of artists from the collection of Sunbury music stalwart Chris Galea.

Galea has played in several Sunbury acts over the years, such as the ‘Jackson’s Creek Boogie Band’, ‘Salty Dog’ in the 80s and 90s, and his current band ‘Bad Penny’s Rhythm n Blues, Rock’.

Galea even wrote a song about the suburb which he sometimes plays on his show, titled ‘Last Train to Sunbury’.

His program has a strong focus on Australian rock, hard rock, boogie, and the best of British 60s and 70s rock.

“I’ve been doing it for ten years at Sunbury radio, and I’ve gained a really good following far and wide because of streaming,” Galea said.

“People are listening in Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia, overseas – when people go away, they say ‘we’re going to listen to you’, and they’re on a ship near Fiji!”

Mr Galea draws much of his musical taste and knowledge from his youth as an enthusiast and member of the Australian rock scene, which he noted was an exciting time to be a Sunbury resident where local bands and festivals flourished.

He said he has always had a knack for music trivia, which has served him well in his time as a radio presenter.

“When I was younger … people would say ‘that’s just trivia, Chris, you’re wasting your time with that.’ But, I probably wasn’t really!” he said.

His show draws fans from a wide demographic, which he says is largely due to the freedom presenting music on community FM radio offers.

“It was designed for people to just get on who had passion, who loved music and have knowledge of their music, and are prepared to go on there as a volunteer … put the time in, and play the music to people,” Galea said.

“It’s just the love of certain types of music … they gravitate to it.”

TinShedMusic broadcasts each Wednesday from noon–3pm on 99.3FM Sunbury Radio and can also be listened to through online streaming.

Details: sunburyradio.com.au/chris-galea/