The start of the end

Gisborne Secondary College year 11 coordinators Paul James and Laura O'Meara. (Damjan Janevski). 385507_01

As students around Victoria and the country headed back to school last week, year 11 students from Gisborne Secondary College settled in for the start of their final two years.

The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is what most students in Victoria receive when they have satisfactorily completed their secondary education.

Students will complete their VCE throughout year 11 and year 12, which will provide diverse pathways for continued study or training at university or TAFE and to employment.

Gisborne Secondary College student Abbey started year 11 last week and said she was feeling pretty good going into the year.

“I’m not stressed out or worried about anything, [I’m] just going with the flow,” she said.

“This year I’ll be undertaking English, maths methods, year 12 biology, enviro, psychology and legal studies.”

“My goals are to try my best and put effort into my work.”

Abbey said after she finishes school in 2025 she would like to spend time travelling and seeing the world.

Online mental health platform, ReachOut Australia, said it is okay to feel a little nervous about the first few weeks of school.

ReachOut’s top tips for students include: taking care of yourself, trying new things and keeping a routine.

The not-for-profit organisation advised students to get plenty of sleep, exercise and eat healthily.

It suggested trying some extracurricular activities and experiences, which will help students kick start bonding with their classmates and find peers who have similar interests.

Lastly, ReachOut said it’s important to take time to set up a routine that includes study, in a quiet, distraction-free space.


Zoe Moffatt