The power of representation

Macedon Ranges councillors. (L-R) Cr Geoff Neill, Cr Mark Ridgeway, Cr Dominic Bonanno, Cr Janet Pearce, Cr Rob Guthrie, Mayor Cr Jennifer Anderson, Cr Anne Moore, Cr Annette Death and Cr Bill West. (Supplied)

Elsie Lange

They say you can’t be what you can’t see.

So last month, when more women than ever before were appointed to cabinet positions in the new Labor government, it presented an exciting moment to women and girls everywhere.

Macedon Ranges council celebrates its many women in local government, at a staff and councillor level.

Four of council’s nine positions are occupied by women, including mayor Jennifer Anderson and councillors Janet Pearce, Annette Death and Anne Moore.

Three of council’s five-person executive team are women too – including governance director Adele Drago-Stevens, planning and environment director Rebecca Stockfeld and community director Maria Weiss.

Cr Anderson said the biggest change in her 10 years on council is the capacity to stand up and be vocal about what is right.

“I would never have done that in my first four years, I did not have the courage,” she said.

“I am loving that these young women, particularly, that are coming along actually are invigorating me and exciting me and saying, ‘No, we’re not going to do it that way, we’re going to do it this way’.”

“I wish I had that 10 years ago, but I think society has progressed as well.”

Cr Janet Pearce said because women make up half the population, their equal participation in decision-making and democracy is vital.

“If we are going to continue to increase our representation, then women need to hear the stories and experiences of others, and know that it is possible to successfully enter politics and government – that there are truly equal opportunities,” Cr Pearce said.

“It is important that it is not only women’s representation but diversity in all areas that are reflective of our people and communities.”

Ms Stockfeld said while it was great to see balance in federal politics, there was “still so much to do to ensure issues relating to gender equality have a profile and are acted on”.

I hope that in the future we will see more women entering into politics and other senior, influential positions right across society.

Ms Weiss said it was “fantastic” to see more representation across all levels of government.

“Some of the greatest inspiration I have had in my career have been incredibly successful women who have supported, guided and when needed given me the push I needed in the right direction,” she said.

“As I have moved through my own leadership journey I hope to continue that generosity by supporting and guiding women who have aspirations to make a difference in their area of expertise.”