Woodend Golf Club officially tee’d off its new club rooms, with a small event on November 11, to celebrate the transformation.
Macedon Ranges councillors joined about 50 people at the event, which wrapped up with some short speeches and drinks and food to mark the occasion.
Interim president James O’Brien said it was a terrific night and the renovations will help secure the long term future of the club.
“The rooms are about 60 years old [and] they were built over time by our members,” Mr O’Brien said.
“They weren’t accessible for all members of the community, and they didn’t meet contemporary building standards.
“The club had been campaigning for a number of years to have them upgraded… and the works were completed in the September… [which] council funded.”
Mr O’Brien said the upgrades include a new deck, new toilets, upgraded carpets and new kitchen, which will be beneficial to the wider community.
“The renovation provided for a clean, comfortable, open and spacious building,” he said.
“We’re about to enter our busiest time of the year, and the course is in first class condition so we’re pleased to have club rooms that match the quality of the course.
“We’ve got about 240 members, and it is a popular destination for visitors and we hope the rooms will be an asset for the community.
“It’s not just for golf, it is for the broader community to benefit from.”
Zoe Moffatt