Take a walk on the wild side

Macedon zoologist Chris Humfrey with a tawny frogmouth (Supplied).

Macedon zoologist Chris Humfrey will be hosting an Australian animal school holiday program at Jubilee Hall, with a focus on biodiversity education.

Mr Humfrey, a Macedon resident for 22 years, will be hosting multiple sessions of his wildlife workshops titled ‘Awesome Australian Animals’.

These will take place across three days from July 9–11.

Attendees will see a variety of native Australian animals in-person and learn about the role they play in the ecosystem.

Mr Humfrey said that biodiversity is an important topic, and is especially relevant in the Macedon Ranges.

“It’s not just a … lovely thing to do … without these animals, it’s not a healthy environment for us to live in either,” Mr Humfrey said.

“We forget at times [that] we’re animals as well. We share it with so many other different species that call the Macedon Ranges home.”

Mr Humfrey said attendees will get to interact with the animals and learn about the human role in protecting biodiversity.

“The main messages are that you can’t just save your favourite [animals]. Every animal is important and vital for a healthy ecosystem and protecting biodiversity,” he said.

“These animals that we need to protect have a job for the environment that inevitably affects us as well.”

Mr Humfrey said the show has a “hands-on” focus, and that he believes strongly in getting the younger generations enthused about Australia’s animals and the importance of protecting them

Details: wildaction.weteachme.com/classes/1044535-take-a-walk-on-the-wild-side-with-chris-humfrey

Oscar Parry