Supporting women’s soccer

Kyneton District Soccer Club (supplied).

Kyneton District Soccer Club will livestream the FIFA Women’s World Cup game between Australia and France and host a barbeque, following a grant from the Macedon Ranges council.

At its meeting on Wednesday, June 28, council voted to approve the $1045 grant to support the event, which aims to increase local engagement in women’s professional soccer.

Club president Ron Cole said the club is excited about the grant and the opportunity to engage with the community.

“[The event will] give us a chance to hopefully engage with the community…it’s a good thing for the club [and] it will give us good exposure and women’s soccer,” he said.

Mr Cole said it is important to support female participation in soccer.

“One of the big things in our club is female participation and one of the big things with Football Victoria and Football Australia is reaching a 50:50 gender split by 2027,” he said.

“[The club is] currently running at about 40 per cent female participation [and the event] is a good opportunity to promote female participation.

“[Not only] for us moving forward to achieve a 50:50 gender split [but] to promote the female world cup in general.”

The event will be held at the Kyneton Mechanics Institute on Friday, July 14, and registration is required.

The small project grant will help cover the costs of venue and equipment hire, catering and promotion for the event.


Zoe Moffatt