Supporting Tim’s fight

Timothy Trewin (right) with his dad Shane, sister Cindy and mum Paula. (Supplied)

When 23-year-old Tim Trewin found out about his cancer in his thymus, his first thoughts were of his family.

The Sunbury resident was diagnosed with Thymic Carcinoma earlier this year, which is a rare form of the disease. It became metastatic, and spread to his upper skeleton.

While it is treatable, it is incurable, and he and his mother, father and sister have a long road ahead. But even now he said he’s thankful.

“My functionality is great for someone who has cancer, I’m grateful for the time I spend with family,” he said.

Some days are more painful than others, and the chemotherapy has been hard on his body too.

It’s not surprising Tim’s mind went to others before he thought of himself – his dad, Shane, has dedicated 18 years of his life volunteering with Sunbury Country Fire Authority.

Both Tim’s parents are struggling with work since the diagnosis. To help them through this time, Tim’s aunty Narelle started a Go Fund Me, with a goal of raising $50,000 so the family can focus on their boy. So far, they’ve raised more than $12,000.

“This fundraiser is to give Tim’s beautiful family the ability to focus on being there for him every step of the way,” Narelle said.

“The funds will importantly lessen Tim’s worries for his family and the financial impact, it will assist with caregiving needs, medical expenses and will also help alleviate ongoing financial demands.”

Narelle said she hoped the fundraiser would give Tim the chance to keep living life the way he wants to, to make “more precious memories”.

Tim said he hoped to keep doing the things he loved, and encouraged everyone to do the same.

“Take advantage of your health, take advantage of everything in everyday life. Even now, I still feel grateful, even though I’m not as healthy as other people,” he said.


Elsie Lange