Sunbury walk to help Heartkids

Sunbury resident Max Komar with his family (supplied).

When doctors discovered Sunbury resident Max Komar had congenital heart disease (CHD) during a pregnancy scan in 2011, it was the beginning of a remarkable story.

Max was placed in the intensive care unit at the Royal Children’s Hospital immediately after birth and underwent seven heart surgeries, including six open-heart procedures and two diaphragm surgeries.

The first open-heart surgery took place when he was just six days old, and it was followed by another at three weeks old.

More surgeries at six and 12 months took place, and Max underwent a cardio catheter procedure at 11 years old. His most recent open-heart surgery was in March this year.

Max is now an ambassador for Heartkids, which supports kids and families with congenital heart disease.

Right now, he’s helping promote the Two Feet and a Heartbeat Walk coming up at the Redstone estate on October 29, to raise awareness and funds for Heartkids.

Every three hours, a child is born with congenital heart disease, and each week, four lives are lost due to the disease. There is no known cure for CHD.

Villawood Properties is helping stage the Heartbeat walk at Redstone, off Sunbury Road on Sunday from 8.30am. There will be a market, a sausage sizzle, kids’ activities and hot drinks.

Residents are encouraged to bring along some gold coins.

Villawood Properties will also be opening its Redstone hilltop to the public for the first time for the event. All proceeds from the day will go to Heartkids.
