Sunbury Show success

The Sunbury Show turnout even included camels(Ljubica Vrankovic). 363956_02_

Sunbury residents gathered at Clarke Oval on October 14, for another successful year of the Sunbury show.

Between 10,000 and 12,000 people attended the one day annual event, which included local traders and pet displays, arts and crafts, cooking, horticultural, emergency displays and vehicles, carnival rides and more.

Show secretary Narelle Reino said it was a great day and it was the first year they ran a battle of the school choirs.

“It was amazing, we had seven schools involved. To see it lift off the ground is amazing [and]… we can keep running it for a very long time,” she said.

“Five dance groups from around the Sunbury area also came to entertain us… and four singers from Sunbury college performed… who were amazing, it was great to have [them involved].”

Ms Reino said the show had lots of events that could be included in the ticket price thanks to many of their sponsors.

“We had 500 trail bags and they all went, which were free. It’s nice to be able to offer a day that’s affordable for families.”