MY SUNBURY: Sandra Maqueda

By Esther Lauaki

What’s your connection to Sunbury?

I am a longtime local resident. I ran a charity called the Cancer and Natural Therapy Foundation of Australia for nearly 18 years in Sunbury. I established a new not for profit foundation offering social work services along with a team of dedicated and passionate volunteers.


How long have you lived in the area?

I have lived in Sunbury for more than 20 years.


What are you passionate about?

Helping to empower people.

Tell me about why you started the Centre of Well-Being foundation?

I’ve been a social worker since 1984, having worked in different fields including health education and crisis intervention. I started the Centre for Well-Being Foundation in 1994 while finding natural therapies to help my then four-year-old son who was fighting cancer. Since then, I’ve started the Centre of Well-Being Foundation specialising in counselling individuals diagnosed with cancer exploring therapeutic intervention. The foundation is a not for profit organisation committed to the wellbeing of all people across all walks of life.

What future events are you planning?

I am planning a health seminar, a vegan high tea and a reflexology workshop before the end of the year.


What other hats do you where in the community?

I run a number of different courses and programs in Sunbury, which include assertive training and positive thinking courses as well as facilitating support groups.

What’s something people don’t know about you?

In 2008 I was awarded Hume Council Citizen of the Year award for many years of contribution as a volunteer. In the same year, I was awarded Kiwanis Club of Sunbury Citizen of the Year.


What do you love about Sunbury?

I love the people.