Sunbury garage sale

Sunbury Men's Shed secretary Albert Achterberg and president Dale Wilkes (Damjan Janevski). 352341_01

Sunbury Men’s Shed will be holding its biannual garage sale on August 26, to raise money for the group and bring the community together.

The garage sale will be held on Saturday, from 8am to 2pm, rain, hail or shine, and attendees will be able to enjoy a sausage sizzle.

Men’s shed secretary Albert Achterberg said they will be selling items they have made throughout the year, along with donations they have received.

“As part of our fundraising we have a garage sale once or twice a year to sell anything we make [along with] some donations, like tools we have repaired,” Mr Achterberg said.

“There will be bargains for everyone, [including] artwork, coat hangers, signage, letter boxes, rocking horses, a windmill… A lot of second hand power and hand tools.

“It’s a great place to buy an unusual gift for Father’s Day … and people can enjoy the famous men’s shed sausage sizzle.”

Mr Achterberg said money raised will go towards maintenance and welfare.

The garage sale will be held at 158 Evans Street Sunbury.

Zoe Moffatt