Sunbury centenarian’s celebrations

Sunbury resident Jennie Willmott holding two cards she received for her 100th birthday, with one addressed to her from King Charles and Queen Camilla. (Damjan Janevski). 425387_01

Sunbury local Jennie Willmott turned 100 on Wednesday, August 14, celebrating the milestone with a cake and party.

The milestone was marked at aged care facility Bolton Clarke Riddell Gardens in Sunbury, where Mrs Willmott said she received a “beautiful” cake and enjoyed a large birthday party.

A mother of five children, she said that one of the gifts from her son was a newsletter titled ‘The Jennie Times’ featuring a list of interesting events from 1924 – the year she was born.

Mrs Willmott said that she felt that reaching the milestone was “amazing”.

“I didn’t think it was that important, but apparently it is! So good on me,” Mrs Willmott said.

Mrs Willmott moved to Sunbury from Yeppoon in Queensland, where she owned a milk bar.

She was also once a singer with the Australian army, being selected for a competition.

During her time as a singer, she said that a memorable event was when she was travelling with the army towards France but needed to turn back due to the situation becoming too dangerous.

She said that her advice for a long and enjoyable life is to not overthink and take action.

“Do whatever you feel is the right thing to do … just do it, and don’t spend too much time on the thinking.“