Sun smart kids inspire

Principal Matthew Forrest and Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas staying sun safe (supplied).

Macedon Primary School has been celebrated for 23 years of promoting sun safe practices.

With summer now here, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UV) is already reaching high levels and means it’s important to take steps to protect children from harmful UV radiation exposure.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas recently visited the school to acknowledge its ongoing commitment to skin cancer prevention and the importance of continuing sun protection.

“We are so lucky in Macedon to have fantastic outdoor places where people can connect, be active and explore,” she said.

“We want to ensure everyone enjoys the great outdoors by being sun safe and follow the lead of Macedon Primary School.

“The good SunSmart behaviours children learn in primary school do influence their parents and carers’ sun protection behaviour as well, so you can’t underestimate the influence of schools on preventing skin cancer.”

SunSmart Victoria head Emma Glassenbury said the SunSmart Schools Program currently reaches about 462,000 Victorian children and families.

“Together with schools like Macedon Primary School, SunSmart has reduced the significant burden of skin cancer,” she said.

“In Victoria we have seen a decline in melanoma rates in Victorians under 50 years and the good SunSmart practices we see in primary schools across the state have undoubtedly contributed to this.

“We know skin cancer is largely preventable, with UV radiation being the leading cause of at least 95 per cent of skin cancers, including melanoma.”

Ms Glassenbury said more than two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime.