Sun shines on mural

Big Build Roads project manager Anh Tran (right), Artist Ervin Molnar (middle), Big Build Roads acting communications and stakeholder relations manager Jasmine Kha (left). Ljubica Vrankovic

A huge new art piece putting a fresh spin on Sunbury has been unveiled along the new Jacksons Creek road bridge underpass, as part of the Sunbury Road Upgrade.

The mural reflects the heritage of the Jacksons Creek, celebrating distinct flora and fauna and acknowledging Sunbury as the birthplace of cricket’s legendary Ashes urn.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull said the mural adds to the sense of welcome to Sunbury.

“This striking public art on the new Jacksons Creek bridge transforms an already stunning native waterway into a space for locals and visitors to enjoy the best of art and nature,” he said.

“We want to ensure that long after we have completed the project, the bridge and the connecting paths for cyclists and pedestrians remain a place the local community can enjoy.”

Diggers Rest artist Ervin Molnar was selected to create the public piece having previously worked on projects for the Royal Canadian Mint and several major public facing murals across Canada.

Created in consultation with community feedback, the design celebrates local flora and fauna and will include a nod to the local story of cricket’s greatest icon – the Ashes urn.

Now complete, the artwork which took a little over four weeks to create, has been treated with an anti-graffiti coating to ensure it is protected against vandalism and can be enjoyed by the public for years to come.

It comes a month after the Jacksons Creek Bridge opened to traffic for the first time, providing a safer and less congested connection to emerging communities in and around Goonawarra.

The underpass connects with an upgraded path from the Jacksons Creek to Goonawarra which will open in December.

It replaces an aging winding path, ensuring safer access for both cyclists and pedestrians, with landscaping work to commence in the coming months.