Suicide prevention group calls for volunteers

Macedon Ranges Suicide Prevention Action Group volunteers Sarah Lungu, Caitlin Edgar, Fiona Lawford and Chad Snyder (Damjan Janevski) 416986_01

The Macedon Ranges Suicide Prevention Action Group (MR SPAG) is calling out for new volunteers with lived experience for a new community-led initiative.

MR SPAG’s ‘Community-Led Safe Space’ will pair volunteers who have lived experience with Macedon Ranges residents who are experiencing emotional distress or suicidal ideation.

Volunteers will include people who have experienced suicidal ideation themselves, cared for someone close to them in suicidal crisis, or have experienced suicide bereavement from a friend or family member.

The program has been funded and facilitated by lived experience of suicide organisation Roses in the Ocean, who will provide self-paced online training to volunteers and ongoing training, support, and debriefing opportunities.

MR SPAG acting chairperson and volunteer Sarah Lungu said that the organisation is “ hoping to bridge that gap between presentation at emergency and building safe communities.”

“I’m absolutely thrilled to be a part of it because this is something I’ve wanted to do for four years now since I first joined MR SPAG. It was something I felt that I needed, and it wasn’t available, so this has been a massive passion of mine to get up and running,” Ms Lungu said.

“The idea was formed years ago, but having funds, volunteers, the right place, support behind you – that’s taken a very long time … to be implemented and we were just lucky that Roses in the Ocean stepped in.”

Ms Lungu said that the peer support program has already received expressions of interest.

“That’s the beautiful thing about Sunbury and Macedon Ranges, is that everyone wants to help and whether it’s a lived or living experience, everyone wants to put their hand up to help,” she said.


Oscar Parry