Students at Diggers Rest Primary School (DRPS) decided to get behind a local family doing it tough by raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH).
More than $1500 was raised in support of the Fielding family who have been heavily engaged with RCH since their youngest child, Dexter, was born with a rare heart condition.
On Friday, September 15 students dressed as RCH employees and volunteers, including doctors, nurses, surgeons, or Starlight Foundation volunteers for the fundraiser.
Every year school captains and junior school council develop an inclusive fundraising initiative that connects with families within the school community impacted by illness and/or disability.
DRPS school captain Ethan, grade 6, was part of the group that decided on supporting the Fielding family.
“Our team thought it would be a great opportunity to connect, help and support families within our community,” he said.
DRPS assistant principal Bradley Kemp said the student leadership team did an amazing job leading and coordinating this year’s event.
“All DRPS staff and students dressed up, donated and acknowledged the fantastic work that the Royal Children’s Hospital provides for so many of our families, especially the Fielding family,” he said.
“Our inclusive fundraising initiatives like Dress 4 RCH Day have provided our student leaders with an authentic leadership experience, which has a powerful impact on our wonderful school community.”
School captain Aayla, grade 6, said she found organising a fundraiser very engaging.
“It definitely helped me develop my leadership skills,” she said.
Brent, grade 5, said “the day was really successful.
“We are proud of the efforts everyone has put in to raise money for RCH,” he said.
Donations are open until September 30.
Details: www.mycause.com.au/p/316516/dress-4-rch-day