Stanley Park future

Macedon Ranges council is seeking feedback on the future of Stanley Park.

Macedon Ranges council is seeking feedback on the future of Stanley Park in Mount Macedon, including its ongoing management and infrastructure needs.

The six-hectare forest, grassland and passive recreation park is located just off Mount Macedon Road at 15 Salisbury Road, and is co-managed by council and a Community Asset Committee (CAC).

Council has drafted an updated environmental management plan in collaboration with the CAC, drawing from ecological assessments and CAC insights, and is available for public comment from July 18 to August 15.

Council’s acting director planning and environment Rob Ball encouraged residents to read the proposed plan and give their feedback.

“This initial stage provides the community with an opportunity to share what they love about Stanley Park, and how they spend their time there,” Mr Ball said.

“This will provide guidance for both council and the CAC on community values regarding this much-loved reserve.”

Council said the park has been used by residents and visitors for walking, picnicking and nature study for more than a century, and the feedback sought is the first of a two-stage consultation process.

Stanley Park bushland and grassland areas have been the focus of weed management and revegetation projects for decades, with volunteers contributing significantly to the flora and fauna values.

Council said the plan provides updated information on the conservation values of the park, such as the observation of a pair of threatened gang-gang cockatoos inspecting a nest hollow.

The future management of the park will be guided by an infrastructure master plan to be developed by council based on the finalised environmental management plan.

Public feedback will again be sought in the second stage later in the 2023-24 financial year.


Zoe Moffatt