Lots of people are fans of The Simpsons and lots of people enjoy pub trivia nights and for those who like both, next Tuesday night in Newport is the place to be.
A Simpsons trivia night will be hosted at the Newport Social Club on February 11 hosted by Australia’s self styled ‘experts’ of themed trivia, Grape Vine Events.
“Our business runs more themed trivia than anyone else in the southern hemisphere,” said Grape Vine Events’ ‘Lord Commander of Entertainment’ Kevin Munro.
“We were around years prior to the pandemic, but became even more popular when we streamed trivia for people in lockdown over the better part of 18 months. It’s nice to sometimes be stopped by people on the street who recognise us from that time.”
These days it’s the monthly themed trivia nights at the Newport Social Club on Mason Street that the company is known for, with the coming months to feature Disney, Avatar, The Last Airbender, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Taylor Swift, and Star Wars themed events.
On February 11 though, it’s the Simpson family and various other characters from the long-running cartoon who will be the subject of 40 questions across eight rounds.
“Each round covers a different member of the family and their interactions with the other characters from Springfield,” said Mr Munro.
“The activity itself is punchy in that it runs for 90 minutes, which is just the right amount of time to have a great time without overstaying our welcome. We also feature songs from the Simpsons catalogue, and everyone gets right into it,” he said.
For more information and to book, visit: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-simpsons-trivia-newport-tickets-1210148519799?aff=oddtdtcreator