Sponsorship policy feedback wanted

Feedback on the draft sponsorship policy can be provided until July 31.

Macedon Ranges council is inviting community feedback on its draft sponsorship policy until July 31.

The policy aims to provide guidance for council staff seeking or receiving sponsorship opportunities on behalf of council, as well as providing guidance in regards to sponsorship naming rights.

Council said this includes financial and in-kind support from external organisations, such as the Telstra Macedon Ranges Community Choice Awards or sponsorship for events throughout the shire.

Director corporate Adele Drago-Stevens said community input is an important step in helping to shape the policy and ensure future sponsorships align with community values.

“By actively engaging the community in the decision-making process, council aims to foster a sense of ownership and inclusivity,” Ms Drago-Stevens said.

“[This should] result in sponsorships that resonate with the needs and priorities of the community.

“Council encourages residents and businesses to get involved in the development of the sponsorship policy and have a say in how sponsorships are managed.”

Clear guidelines and selection criteria for sponsorships are outlined in the policy to ensure the decision-making process is fair and consistent.

For businesses, council said this will increase the understanding of how sponsorships are evaluated and selected.

Council said the feedback will enhance transparency, accountability, and community engagement, and will be carefully considered in the finalisation of the policy before it is presented for endorsement.

Details: mrsc.vic.gov.au/your-say

Zoe Moffatt