By Esther Lauaki
Traffic lights that regulate traffic flow in response to real-time demand and sensors to predict when drains need maintaining could be the way of the future in Wyndham.
The council’s draft Smart City strategy is aimed at transforming the municipality into a global leader in using new technology to create real-time solutions for everyday problems.
Under the draft strategy, which is out for public comment, technology could be used to upgrade services including traffic and carparking, public safety, lighting, libraries, recycling and reuse of waste and online services provided by the council.
Improving transport and congestion, council facilities, CCTV in public spaces and fixing internet speed and connection issues were among the priorities identified by more than 800 Wyndham residents in a recent survey.

Smart City portfolio holder Aaron An is encouraging Wyndham residents and business owners to have their say on the draft strategy.
“The draft strategy is part of council’s vision for Wyndham to become a connected, digital city through cutting-edge technology, partnerships and data-driven decision-making over the next five years,” Cr An said.
“The Smart City Strategy outlines how technology, data and innovation will be used to address our urban challenges and shape how our citizens, visitors and businesses work, play and live.
“As a matter of priority is the future of transport, environmental concerns and ensuring we have a citizen centric approach when delivering technology-based innovations.”
Wyndham has already gained a reputation for its work in the smart city arena, winning the National Award for Local Government in 2017 – the highest honour in the sector.