Serving up experience

The team of young locals at the Kyneton Community House (supplied).

A team of young Macedon Ranges locals joined forces with the Kyneton Community House on July 27, to hold a pop-up cafe and kickstart their hospitality careers.

The group of 10 people aged between 15 and 25 years old set up the cafe, planned the menu, and served customers to conclude a three month program learning about the hospitality industry.

During the program the participants spent time in local cafes learning about customer service, while gaining experience in food handling and safety, menu planning, cafe design and customer service skills.

Participant Leia said she enjoyed the experience and opportunity to learn from the program mentors and facilitators.

“Overall, it was really great, there were a few little things, but we just got through it and worked so well together,” Leia said.

“Together, we learnt all the customer service, kitchen, barista and front-of-house skills that made [the day] possible … I think we should just all be so proud of what we achieved together.”

Kyneton Community House director Claire Rawlinson said they learnt how to engage young people through seeing their business from a youth perspective.

“Working with this group of young people has really seen fresh ideas and wonderful food hit the tables in the [community house],” Ms Rawlinson said.

“Their ‘Loaded’ cafe has offered us a contemporary menu that we could potentially see working on a regular basis into the future.”

Youth Take Over Loddon Campaspe ran the program, and project director Ryan Hale said it can help break down barriers surrounding new work environments.

“Participants have also improved their ability to work in a team, manage projects and communicate effectively, which are all skills they can use in [many] industries,” Mr Hale said.