Send him down to the shed

Hume Men's Shed Sunbury president Ian Phillips and vice president Barry Kelly. (Damjan Janevski). 429059_03

Men’s Shed Week is an annual recognition of the benefits of men’s sheds across Australia, led by the Australian Men’s Shed Association.

Running from September 1-7, this year’s theme is ‘Send him down to the Shed’ – a call to all to promote an older male they know to consider joining a men’s shed.

According to the Australian Men’s Shed Association, a 2023 survey found that attracting new members was one of the greatest challenges for men’s sheds, with 58 per cent of sheds seeking assistance in shed sustainability and 50 per cent looking for support in promoting their sheds.

The 2023 AMSA member survey found attracting new members was one of your biggest challenges – 58 per cent of sheds were seeking assistance in shed sustainability and 50 per cent were seeking help in promoting sheds.

Hume Men’s Shed Sunbury secretary Albert Achterberg said that men’s sheds have mental, social and physical benefits.

“It helps men with their mental health,”he said. “It also gives them a place to talk to other people, or if they want to turn around and do some work, whether that be woodwork, metalwork, welding or gardening – there’s always something to do at the shed.

“Or you might just want to go down for a cuppa – and sit down and have a cuppa, have a chat.”

Mr Achterberg said that the Hume Men’s Shed Sunbury has more than 80 members, with about 30 attending each Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning.

He said on Fridays the shed provides a free luncheon to assist men with food costs and “so the fellas can have a good decent meal if they’re living by themselves.”

“We’ve got all the equipment that you need to make stuff – whether it be stuff for the home or stuff for the shed.”
