Scouting out Christmas trees

Sam, Joseph, Grace and Charlie of the 3rd Sunbury Cubs and Scouts can't wait for the Christmas tree sale. (Joe Mastroianni). 309286_02

Are you pining for a real Christmas tree? The 3rd Sunbury Scouts Group are branching out again this year, and selling them fresh in town at Max Gifford Hall.

With trees ranging from $60 to $100, group leader Jason Aisbett said sales help fund the Scout’s activities throughout the year, including camps, equipment and training.

“We’ll pick up trees Saturday and Sunday morning, so they are cut fresh on the day. We’ve been doing it now for about 14 or 15 years. It’s our biggest fundraiser for the year,” he said.

“Some people are hesitant about buying a Christmas tree and then they see the members in uniform and their hearts start to melt, so they purchase them.”

The Scouts group offers local delivery and pick up the trees in January for $10 each way.

They can be picked up at Max Gifford Hall, 8 Miller Street, Sunbury on December 10 and 11 between 9am to 3pm.


Elsie Lange