Salesian College Sunbury is spreading Christmas cheer to seven local families this month through a hamper drive with the local St. Vincent de Paul branch.
Titled Hearts and Hands and part of the college’s annual Christmas appeal, students from years seven to twelve were involved in assembling the hampers based on family wish lists and profiles provided by St. Vincent de Paul Sunbury.
Students, staff and parents united in donating plenty of monetary donations towards vouchers, toys, clothes, and non-perishable foods.
Students also contacted local businesses to seek additional support.
College social justice co-ordinator Stephanie Papazoglou said the initiative involved enormous effort from students, who voluntarily sacrificed recesses and lunchtimes to assemble the hampers and write personalised cards for the family members.
“It’s all about service and serving the other. Being a Catholic school … we want to encourage our students to think about the needs of our society and [to look] out for the vulnerable,” Ms Papazoglou said.
“The students put up their hands to help out in ways they could … a lot of staff went above and beyond, getting generous donations from local businesses in our community,” she said.
The hampers will be donated by the Sunbury St. Vincent de Paul throughout this month.
Oscar Parry