Scarlet honeyeaters move into Macedon Ranges

A scarlet honeyeater. Photo: David Hartney.

Queensland’s tiny scarlet honeyeaters have been making the move to Victoria this year, with the Macedon Ranges a choice destination.

Last year, only 17 scarlet honeyeaters were spotted in Victoria during the Aussie Backyard Bird Count. This year, 139 were recorded.

A pair of scarlet honeyeaters has taken up residence in Mark Poyser’s garden in Kyneton. He initially saw them feeding on butterfly bushes early one morning.

“Now they are feeding on the wisteria and the echium nectar and I can see them any time of day,” he said.

David Hartney has seen two scarlet honeyeaters in a grevillea bush on his block in Woodend.

“First time sighted in 20 years at this location,” he said.

Rick, who did not share his surname, said he had seen a honeyeater upsurge.

“We have them around our house and in nearby forest in Gisborne in good numbers,” he said.


– with The Age