Safety tips for your garage


Victorian fire services are calling on residents to prioritize garage fire safety this winter, following an increase in garage-related fires.

Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and the Country Fire Authority (CFA) are urging householders to address potential hazards in their garages and to install smoke alarms to prevent devastating fires.

FRV Deputy Commissioner Community Safety Joshua Fischer said that there are severe risks associated with garages, such as gas cylinders, petrol cans, lithium-ion batteries, and chemicals, which can lead to rapid fire spread.

“Fires originating in garages can quickly spread to the main house, especially in homes with attached garages,” Fischer warned. “It’s essential to have a working smoke alarm in your garage to provide early warning,” he said.

The CFA reported a sharp rise in garage fires, with 51 incidents in 2023 compared to about 28 in 2022.

The majority of these fires were caused by mechanical failures, often involving electrical equipment, according to CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan.

“The main cause of these fires was mechanical failure, often involving electrical equipment,” he said.

Heffernan also stressed the importance of installing interconnected smoke alarms in garages that are attached to the house.

“We recommend installing an interconnected smoke alarm in your garage if it’s attached to your house.

“It’s also advisable to put smoke alarms in rooms where you charge devices and equipment, as they have the potential to catch alight – and this includes your garage.”

To enhance fire safety, the CFA advises to install interconnected smoke alarms in your garage if it’s attached to your home and in rooms where devices are charged, turn off all electrical appliances at the wall when not in use. Regularly inspect cords and equipment for damage.

As well as, never leave charging devices unattended, to only use chargers when supplied with the equipment or those certified for compatibility, ensure chargers meet Australian Standards and are in good condition and to avoid charging devices overnight. Also to keep your garage free from clutter and rubbish, store chemicals and petrol away from heat sources and children, wash rags and containers used with chemicals before disposal to prevent fire risks from residues.

By adhering to these safety guidelines, residents can significantly reduce the risk of garage fires and protect their homes and families this winter.