RSL life membership for Woodend resident

Barry Meldrum being awarded an RSL Life Membership at the Woodend RSL Sub-Branch. (Supplied)

Barry Meldrum says it’s “a bit humbling” to be awarded the Returned Services League (RSL) of Australia’s premier national award, the Life Membership.

The Vietnam veteran and stalwart of the Woodend RSL sub-branch received the recognition in August, commemorating his more than 30 years of service to the organisation.

“It’s nice to be recognised for the work I do around the place,” he said.

Mr Meldrum, 71, was president of the sub-branch for eight years, as well as serving continuously on the management committee.

“I like to see the RSL look after the veterans, they looked after me so I’m sort of paying it back by being a welfare officer,” he said.

Mr Meldrum has been an important part of the growth of the sub-branch, in fostering deeper cooperation with the community and in schools.

“When I joined the RSL, the wife, who has since passed, was a secretary while I was president, so it was a bit of a family affair,” he said.

His daughter, Amy, is now a part of the sub-branch now too, doing appeals and in charge of the bar.

“[The RSL] is my life virtually,” he said.