Romsey’s school holiday fun

Marley (4) at the Romsey Library (Damjan Janevski). 362068_03

Macedon Ranges’ youngest residents have enjoyed school holiday craft activities at the Romsey Library, with students making spring flowers and practising their corn toss.

A range of events took place over the two week school holidays, including at Kyneton, Gisborne and Woodend libraries.

Children aged between 5 and 12 years old dropped into the Romsey Library to make colourful flowers from bottle tops and buttons for a spring window garden.

They were also able to practise their aim with a game of corn toss, which was invented in Germany and originally played with small bags of corn.

In Sunbury, residents enjoyed getting creative and building towers with small wooden planks at the library, along with playing classic arcade games for free at the Sunbury Youth Centre.