Roll up to Carlsruhe Country Fair

Woodend Primary School year four students Olivia, Grace and Alita can't wait for the Carlsruhe Country Fair. (Damjan Janevski) 306478_01

Roll up, roll up! Woodend Primary School’s Carslruhe Country Fair is just around the corner on Saturday, November 26.

After a “rough few years” during the pandemic, Carlsruhe Fair coordinator Salina Chamerski said this year’s event “holds great significance”.

“[It’s our] opportunity to get back into celebrating our marvellous school and the chance to enjoy time with our families and friends,” Ms Chamerski said.

“We have a large amount of entertainment and things to do for the whole family.

“There will be rides, activities, bands, performances, stalls – including our wonderful cake stall and plant stall – and a large range of food to cater for everyone.”

Getting everything ready for the fair has taken a lot of time and effort – arranging all the different elements, including making sure the campus looks amazing on the day, has required immense coordination.

“We have an amazing committee consisting of staff, parents and local community members who have put in hours and hours of hard work to plan this year’s fair,” Ms Chamerski said.

“Their dedication is beyond amazing, and I can’t thank them enough for what they are doing for our school and the wider community.

“Everyone has been looking forward to this for a long time, so when the day comes I’m confident there will be a lot of happy kids running around enjoying themselves.”

She said this year’s fair was all about celebrating community connectedness again.

“Seeing the kids laughing and smiling with their families and friends definitely makes all the hard work worth it,” she said.

The fair is taking place at Woodend Primary School’s Carlsruhe Campus on Nicholson Street, Carlsruhe, from 10am to 4pm.

Elsie Lange