Riddell Road and Gap Road upgrades needed

Hume council said Riddell Road and Gap Road will require upgrades (Damjan Janevski). 336543_02

Zoe Moffatt

Hume council will write to the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to advocate for an upgrade of Riddell Road and Gap Road, and its intersections with Elizabeth Drive, amid concerns about poor conditions.

At its meeting on Tuesday, June 13, council voted to advocate for accelerated improvements to the roads and its intersections, following its traffic investigation.

Councillor Jarrod Bell spoke at the meeting and said Elizabeth Drive in Sunbury is behaving as it should, but its intersections with major roads are coming under strain.

“At its intersections with the major state owned roads of Gap Road or Riddell Road, those intersections are increasingly coming under strain,” Cr Bell said.

“[The report] shows with some very basic and I would suspect cost effective changes to those roundabouts at Gap Road and Riddell Road, we could potentially get another decade of … life out of Elizabeth Drive.

“Ultimately those intersections are the responsibility and property of the DTP … so while we can’t do the work, we can advocate for Sunbury and the broader Hume community.”

In its report council noted that the intersections of Riddell Road and Gap Road with Elizabeth Drive will be performing in very poor conditions within one to two years if no changes are made.

Council also noted that Riddell Road and Gap Road will require road upgrades, including added lanes in the future to assist with increased traffic volumes.

When writing to the DTP, council said it will advocate for Riddell Road and Gap Road upgrades, including; the signalisation of their intersections with Elizabeth Drive, an interim upgrade to include a dedicated left turn lane and combined right and through lane on all approaches.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull was copied into council’s written advocacy, and Mr Bull said he will continue to support infrastructure projects.

“I am aware of the Hume [council] motion, the issue itself and understand the matter is currently being considered by the [DTP],” Mr Bull said.

“I will continue to support infrastructure projects that our growing community needs.”