Restoring native vegetation


The state government has granted $1.1 million to the Mount Macedon Plantation Restoration Project, which will restore about 70 acres of native vegetation in areas previously used as pine plantations.

The grant was provided under the government’s BushBank program.

The Bushbank program helps to create and preserve habitats for some of Victoria’s species by planting millions of trees and shrubs on both private and public land to combat the environmental impacts of climate change and a growing population.

The state government said the funding would help achieve BushBank’s target of revegetating 20,000 hectares of land by 2035

“The Mount Macedon Plantation Restoration Project is a huge win for our region and its communities,” Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said.

“The Bushbank program is restoring natural environments across Victoria and right here in Macedon helping to stop the decline of our native plants and animals and improve our natural environment.”

Environment Minister Steve Dimopoulos said BushBank was an important program to support projects that preserve and protect the state’s natural environment for future generations.

“The Bushbank program is an important way we’re supporting projects that help preserve and

“We’re planting millions of native plants and trees to restore habitats, protect wildlife and reduce carbon emissions, backed by our record $582 million investment in Victoria’s precious biodiversity,” he said.