Residents keep Hume clean

Mascot Binjamin at Clean Up Australia Day (Katrina Ferguson).

Zoe Moffatt

Over 40 community groups in Hume came together this weekend to clean up the community.

Hume major Joseph Haweil said the dedication of these community groups did not go unnoticed.

On Sunday, March 5, community groups organised several clean up events across the council, followed by a free barbecue at Town Hall Broadmeadows to acknowledge their support.

Hume council also launched it’s waste mascot with a naming competition and a $250 gift card to the person who submitted the winning name.

“Thanks to everyone who entered the mascot naming competition on our social media channels. We had such a good time reading through all your great mascot names,” Cr Haweil said.

“After counting the votes, we can announce that the waste mascot’s name is Binjamin.”

Council said in the last year it has spent $4.3 million removing illegally dumped rubbish from the community.

It will continue to focus on this illegal dumping with resources committed to education in the community.

“We are committed to educating Hume residents about their waste disposal options and you’ll see our messages around Hume on billboards, in cinema ads, social media posts and at events like yesterday,” Cr Haweil said.