Residents Association questions focus of Hanging Rock Master Plan


By Oliver Lees

The Macedon Ranges Residents Association (MRRA) has criticised the touristic focus and lack of community engagement detailed in the Hanging Rock Master Plan, which outlines the vision of the precinct for the next 50 years.

The Hanging Rock Master Plan was released in January by the state government following a period of community consultation.

The master plan outline describes the inclusion of Aboriginal cultural heritage, preservation of landscape and environment and tourism experiences among the key values of the document.

Although overall supportive of these key tenets, MRRA secretary Christine Pruneau said she was concerned with vagueness of parts of the plan that relate to the tourism component, and that they might dominate aspects of community interest.

“They’re turning Hanging Rock into an events venue, rather than a nature destination,” Ms Pruneau said.

“There’s not enough acknowledgement or involvement of local people, even though local people have such a strong sense of ownership over it.

“Intentions must be made crystal clear, non-passive activities defined and limited, and the local community included as a stakeholder in all things Hanging Rock.”

Within the proposed changes section of the master plan, the Hanging Rock Cricket Club oval, as well as the facilities for the Hanging Rock Tennis Club and the Hanging Rock Petanque Club are to be removed.

Star Weekly reported in January that representatives from both the petanque club and the cricket club planned on contesting their exclusion.

Ms Pruneau questioned the conflicting intentions to restrict visitor numbers in nature-based environments while also planning to invite more patrons into the planned event spaces.

As for the sporting clubs, she felt their future in the precinct was likely “doomed”.

“Seems the Rock precinct has to make a profit, but how it will do that is poorly defined and lacks limits,” she said.

“So much for conservation of post-contact heritage and supporting the local community,” she said.

Consultation on the plan will remain open until Monday, February 28.
