Refill and reuse

Kingsfield senior sales professional Jasmine Dawson at the new detergent refill station (Damjan Janevski). 368176_01

Kingfield estate residents in Sunbury will now be able to refill their dishwashing and laundry detergent for a gold coin donation, in an effort to minimise waste and support local charities.

Residents will be able to access one refill per month at the sales office on the corner of Gellies Road and Lancefield Road, Sunbury.

All the funds raised will go towards a local organisation once a set target has been reached, and Moremac will match the donation once it reaches a certain amount.

Moremac sales and marketing director Lachlan Moore said they hope the initiative will lead to residents taking the lead in reducing unnecessary waste in the home.

“The residents in Kingsfield are already very environmentally conscious so we’re expecting a strong take up of the detergent station,” Mr Moore said.

“We hope this will encourage our residents to see where else they can reduce waste in their homes when completing other day-to-day tasks.”

The first local charity to benefit is not-for-profit crisis relief centre, CareWorks, which supports local people and families in Sunbury going through a difficult time.

Once a set target has been reached, the tally will reset and a different group will receive the next donation. The donation process will be repeated as long as the station is in operation.

This latest sustainability venture follows residents participating in eco-friendly activities and tools as part of a social media sustainability challenge.

Those who took part became ambassadors for their own estates in sharing thoughtful and innovative ways to create a sustainable household while completing day-to-day chores.

The estate is also focusing on sustainability through a number of innovative features, including a new recycled asphalt used for road construction.
