Recruiting for the community

Sunbury CFA members John Hayward, Paul Brown, Corine Camilleri and Nik Edwards (Damjan Janevski). 363028_04

Country Fire Authority (CFA) is encouraging residents from Sunbury and Macedon Ranges to volunteer amid falling numbers throughout the state.

According to a CFA quarterly update from June 30, there are 28,785 operational volunteers, which is down from 38,335 about 10 years ago.

CFA deputy chief officer Gavin Thompson encouraged residents to look into volunteering, especially new residents who might have moved to the Macedon Ranges for a tree change.

“Anybody that has spare time and is willing to give back to the community [should volunteer],” he said.

“Flexible working hours have opened the door. If people are available during the day, most brigades would welcome them with open arms.

“It’s a great way to meet new people and give back to the community.”

Mr Thompson said technology has helped break down barriers in regards to heavy lifts, and there are roles for most fit active people.

“Gender should be no barrier, and age is no barrier, [but] to be a senior member you must be 16 years old,” he said.

“Technology has changed so much… the equipment isn’t as heavy as it used to be.

“We don’t expect everybody to do everything, the more people we have the more we can spread the load.”

Mr Thompson said while volunteer numbers in the area have remained reasonably steady, volunteers can be sent to other fire areas to help out.

“If we need [help] into those long duration fires, we send in volunteers from areas. It’s to give the local crews some much needed relief… [and] bolster the numbers.

“[Volunteering with the CFA] is a great experience that is very rewarding and people will get so much out of it.”

Zoe Moffatt