Ready, set, count

The annual Sunbury kangaroo count will take place on May 14 (Joe Mastroianni). 208748_03

The annual Sunbury kangaroo count is back for 2023 and organisers are looking for volunteers to help on May 14.

The count will take place at dawn, with volunteers counting and identifying western grey kangaroos, swamp wallabies and wombats.

Count founder and Sunbury local Robert Irvine said he started the count in 2016 after a kangaroo hopped past him.

“I was cycling to the Sunbury station … and a kangaroo overtook me as I was cycling along,” Mr Irvine said.

“It got me thinking [about] how many kangaroos there are.

“I’ve got no secret agenda, I’m just curious to know how many there are and how they are affected by the development.

“From my count, the development hasn’t hurt them at all.”

Mr Irvine said due to extensive housing developments around Sunbury, it is expected that the kangaroos have moved but not decreased in numbers.

When the development started in 2016 there were 376 kangaroos counted, and in the last count in 2022 over 500, including one albino kangaroo, was counted.


Zoe Moffatt