Push for crossing safety

(Steven Arenas via Pexels)

Elsie Lange

Calls for greater pedestrian safety at a Woodend Primary School crossing made their way into state parliament at the beginning of this month.

Liberal Northern Victoria MP Wendy Lovell said she’d been informed of reports by the crossing supervisor that “collisions or near misses” at the crossing were a regular occurrence, as current signs were “not sufficient”.

She raised an adjournment matter in parliament on Thursday, September 1, asking the Roads and Road Safety Minister Ben Carroll to order the “immediate installation” of flashing LED 40km/h speed signs.

“With the large volume of traffic that travels through the school crossing each day the school community have grave concerns for users of the crossing,” Ms Lovell said.

Woodend Primary School principal Diana Ellis said the school had concerns about the safety of their students, school community and crossing supervisors.

“And that’s based on some of the unsafe behaviours we’re seeing from people crossing the crossing, but also unsafe behaviours from drivers, particularly coming at speed down the hill towards the crossing,” Ms Ellis said.

A government spokesperson said keeping the community safe on state roads was a priority, especially children.

“The school zone around High Street is compliant with the safety guidelines implemented across the state,” the spokesperson said.

It is understood the Department of Transport is meeting with representatives from the school and Macedon Ranges council to inspect the conditions of the road.

It is also understood that while the existing school crossing is compliant with safety guidelines, the government will work with the school and council to monitor the site and consider further safety measures as required.

Ms Lovell said while dedicated police patrols improve driver behaviour, something more permanent was necessary.

“I call on the minister to order the installation of the flashing speed signs immediately before someone is seriously injured at the crossing,” Ms Lovell said.