Protest singers call for climate action

Rob Bakes. Picture: Joe Mastroianni

A rousing anthem from Les Miserables will serve as the rallying cry for a people’s climate-change march through the streets of Kyneton this Sunday.

A ‘climate choir’ has been rehearsing songs, including Do You Hear The People Sing?, as the Macedon Ranges Green Energy Coalition continues its call on the council to commit to becoming carbon- neutral by 2020.

The coalition is also pushing for solar panels to go on all council buildings at an estimated cost of $1 million, and it wants a stand-alone climate change policy for the municipality.

More than 700 people took part in a similar rally last year.

Co-ordinator Rob Bakes is expecting another large crowd for this year’s rally, which will begin with a picnic at Quarry Reserve at noon before the march at 2pm.

‘‘Our happy throng of climate warriors will then make their way up the Piper Street footpath to the Mechanics Reserve, where the main event will be held,’’ Mr Bakes said.

Speakers at the rally will include Environment Victoria’s Jane Stabb, Mary Crooks from the Victorian Women’s Trust, and Victorian Local Government Association president Sebastian Klein.

Hundreds of people will be invited to join in the singing. ‘‘[The songs] have been rewritten with words that highlight the plight of our planet,’’ Mr Bakes says.

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