Proposed new home for Riddells Creek fire station

Macedon Ranges council is seeking feedback on a proposal to move the Riddells Creek fire station.

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) proposes the station on Main Street is no longer meeting the needs of the brigade, with an alternative site with more space identified within the Riddells Creek Recreation Reserve next to Scout Hall on Sutherlands Road.

Council said the new council would be located on Crown land, where council is the committee of management and would be subject to a lease agreement with the CFA.

Mayor Annette Death said that council had been working with recreation reserve user groups, but was also keen to hear from the public.

“Please complete our short survey or come along to a drop-in session and share your views – we would like to hear from as many people as possible,” she said.

Council said the proposed station design would provide a building that aligns with current design standards and addresses shortcomings of the current facility, including the ability to accommodate three fire trucks side-by-side with drive-through ability, and a dedicated change area, meeting room and office.

Head along to the drop in session on Saturday, December 3, from 10am to noon at Riddells Creek Leisure Centre, enter off Sutherlands Road.

To have a say and view a proposed site plan, go to: or call 5422 0333,

Submissions close December 23.