Portrait of a role model


Jessica Micallef

Members of the Woodend Hesket Football Netball Club community are proving to be a role models for all.

Portraits of club players and members holding statements that represent respectful behaviour or challenged harmful social norms were taken in February for an exhibition titled Role Modelling Respect.

The project, in conjunction with health service Cobaw Community Health, aims to help create a healthy community sporting environment and promote an inclusive club culture where every member and player feels safe and valued.

Football president Paul Podbury said the club encouraged its players to see themselves as positive role models in the community.

“We take our commitment to creating a positive club culture seriously,” he said.

“Sporting clubs play an important role in shaping positive community attitudes and challenging phrases such as ‘boys will be boys’ or sexist jokes and language is really important.”

Cobaw’s health promotion team leader Lauren Tyrell said the organisation was proud to partner with the club.

“Woodend Hesket Football Netball Club are to be commended on their commitment to the health and wellbeing of their players and the broader club community,” she said.

“What’s great is to see the impact this positive messaging has on children and young people and how there is hope that they will grow up knowing that both girls and boys can equally be strong, sensitive and not afraid to talk about their feelings.”

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the portraits were to be hung in the club rooms and unveiled at the beginning of the football season.

The exhibition has been moved online and is now available for community viewing.

The Role Modelling Respect online portrait gallery can be viewed at: flic.kr/s/aHsmNC5fyU