A Sunbury woman is on a mission to raise money and awareness about the struggle of leprosy sufferers in Nepal.
Kerri Borg will embark on a three-kilometre swim at her local pool on behalf the Leprosy Mission’s Sunbury action group. Leprosy Mission leads projects around the world to help fight the disease and support its victims.
Ms Borg says it’s the second time she’s taken on the challenge and hopes to raise as much as possible for the cause.
“For over 30 years our Sunbury group has been helping the Leprosy Mission support sufferers in Nepal,” she said. “It’s a horrendous condition that doesn’t get enough publicity.
“It’s a humiliating condition and people who have it are often shunned around the world …there is a cure, but there’s no immunisation for it.
“This year, I will be swimming laps of the Sunbury Aquatic Centre pool to raise money for the modification of houses in Nepal to cater for the needs of families affected by disability as a result of leprosy.”
Ms Borg is also swimming to support people in East Timor, affected by leprosy, in job training and placement.
She is training for the Thursday, June, 1 event and is looking for sponsorship and donations to help with her cause.
Donations can be made directly to Leprosy Mission Australia at tinyurl.com/k8um5se
The Sunbury Leprosy Mission group meets on the third Thursday of the month from 1.30pm at Sunbury Uniting Church.
Donations for the charity swim can also be made at the church.