Pointing for perfection

Sunbury teenager Chelsea Jovanovic (Damjan Janevski). 408362_01

Surrounded by pointe shoes, tutus and home-schooling books, Sunbury teenager Chelsea Jovanovic talks about ballet.

The love and passion in her voice is hard to miss, and when asked why she dedicates between 25 to 30 per week to the sport, she is quick to answer.

“[There’s] something about it that I love, it makes you feel free,” Chelsea said.

“It just makes you feel happy, everyone who enjoys it has the passion… and that’s what I feel.”

Starting ballet at just four years old, Chelsea now trains full time at Melbourne Academy of the Arts and is looking forward to travelling to Las Vegas to attend the European School of Ballet summer school.

She was also offered a position at summer schools in New York and London, and is looking to gain local sponsorship for her upcoming training.

“I’m very excited … I chose [European School of Ballet] because… I feel that one will help with my technique.”

Looking towards her future, Chelsea said she would like to get into a ballet company overseas or in Australia and become a principal dancer.

Sponsorship details: vikki.j@outlook.com

Zoe Moffatt