Plans for new Macedon Ranges cycling tracks

Two new walking and cycling tracks for the Macedon Ranges are being explored as part of a new council project.

Consultancy company TRC Tourism has been appointed to look at options for a trail that connects Woodend to Macedon to Riddells Creek and a trail from Hanging Rock to Daylesford.

The project will determine feasible on and off-road shared-trail route options, development and management costs and the construction components required.

Macedon Ranges council is asking interested community members and groups to get involved in discussions with the consultants as part of the Macedon Ranges Shared Feasibility Study project.

Macedon Ranges Cycling Club president Brett Ellis said club members were already actively engaging with the project. He said dedicated cycling tracks in the Macedon Ranges “would be hugely beneficial for cycling tourism in general”.

He said the routes would create “a focal point in the region” and a specific reason to visit the area, similar to the reasons cyclists from Macedon Ranges Cycling Club travelled to Bright and Lilydale.

Mr Ellis said the opportunity to ride on a trail would be particularly beneficial for parents wanting to ride with children because of the difficulty of riding with children on roads.

There is currently one shared trail in the Macedon Ranges, between Romsey and Lancefield.

In the 2017-2027 Macedon Ranges council plan, the council said it aimed to “invest $1.1 million in planning, renewing and building new footpaths and cycling paths to improve access and community connections”.

Anyone interested in the project should contact Michelle Nolte on 5422 0240 or at