New round of Get Active Kids Vouchers


Applications are now open for the $200 Get Active Kids Vouchers.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull announced on Friday, February 24, the next round of applications are open and eligible to be used with more than 1600 registered activity providers.

Mr Bull said the vouchers can be used to help pay for sporting equipment and uniforms, as well as memberships in a range of activities.

“No matter what sport you play, the Get Active Kids Voucher Program will make it easier for families to get involved,” he said.

To be eligible, you must be a Victorian resident aged 18 and under, named on Commonwealth Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card with a valid Medicare Card.

With almost 80,000 vouchers claimed in the previous rounds, nearly 20,000 Victorian kids were able to join local sporting clubs for the first time.

Special consideration is available for kids in Victorian Care Services, on temporary or provisional visas, who are undocumented migrants or international students.
