New landcare group for Macedon

Attendees at the launch of the new Macedon and Mount Macedon Landcare Group (supplied).

The Macedon and Mount Macedon region has welcomed a new landcare group, with the launch event held on April 30, at the community house.

Aunty Karen Jones opened the launch proceedings with a Welcome to Country, and Mayor Annette Death, and Deputy Mayor Jennifer Anderson also spoke at the event.

Aunty Jones said she would like everyone to walk together on the land, and respect the land they live on.

“I would like to ask everyone that when they walk Country, Wurundjeri Country, we walk it together,” she said.

“We respect Country, we care for Country and respect our longest living culture, and most importantly, respect each other, because if you care for Country, Country will care for you.”

Cr Death and Cr Anderson both endorsed the landcare group and the role all environmental community groups play in protecting the region’s environment.

The group announced its focus will be on waterways, and the president Kate Lawrence highlighted the vital role of waterways in connecting the local ecosystem.

Ms Lawrence referenced how the platypus was emblematic of the condition of the region’s waterways.

“My dream is to imagine our waterways fit for the reintroduction of platypus,” she said. “The magnitude of the task can feel overwhelming, but the history of landcare is one of hope.

“Being in and of community, and taking action through landcare we have the perfect counterweights to being overwhelmed.”


Zoe Moffatt