New buses between Sunbury and Diggers Rest


A new bus service between Sunbury Station and Diggers Rest Station is hoped to address public transport gaps in the region.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull announced the service last week, with the new route 475 to operate between the stations seven days a week at a frequency of 20 minutes during peak periods, and 40 minutes during the interpeak and on weekends.

In a statement, the government said it would address coverage gaps on Elizabeth Drive in Sunbury and on the western side of Diggers Rest, “while also linking with trains at Diggers Rest Station to connect Sunbury and Diggers Rest locals to the broader transport network”.

“Many locals travel between Diggers Rest and Sunbury for work and school, so it’s exciting to see a new bus route to connect our growing communities,” Mr Bull said.

“We are helping people get where they need to go by building more connections between communities and train stations.”