My Place: Robert Fletcher

Robert Fletcher (Supplied)

Oliver Lees

Robert Fletcher is a Sunbury local leading a new support group for pre and post operation amputees. He spoke with Oliver Lees.

What is your connection to Sunbury/the Macedon Ranges

Although I haven’t lived in Sunbury for a great length of time, I feel a connection with the Sunbury community, and somehow find it easy to get to know people. Through my connection to a friend of mine, Sandra Maqueda who runs the Centre for Well-Being Foundation, we have worked over a number of years on ideas for humanitarian projects. I now work as a volunteer gardener at the foundation.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

Many people I meet are not aware of my disability, unless I wear shorts. I go about leading a normal life and this is what surprises most people when they first discover I’m an amputee, because I drive everywhere, ride a bike and even swim! I’m even thinking of taking up running again! People’s immediate reaction is to feel sorry for me, but they soon feel at ease when they can see that I’m not bothered. When I say I’m not bothered, I mean that it doesn’t hold me back from the everyday challenges anyone faces today or any other day.

Why did you decide to create an amputee support group?

Being an amputee since the age of 17, I would like to see a holistic support group for amputees that addresses people’s physical, emotional and social needs. This includes providing support in areas of resolving trauma and specifically overcoming the limitations of thought processes. My aim is to self-empower, inspire and equip amputees with the resources and tools too enable them to live to their full potential.

There is a need for amputees to feel they are not alone in the world. I find that support groups are mainly run by able-bodied people. This isn’t a bad thing, but I find you get much better understanding from people who have experienced what it is like to lose a limb.

My desire to start a support group has been a long time coming. The choice is ours to live or become a victim. Now I feel I have the right attitude and experience to empower people and give them the encouragement they may need to walk tall and proud.

Where most people look at amputees as a person with a disability, I would like to change that concept and embrace it in a positive way and that is, the abilities that we DO have, are simply amplified to compensate for the loss- and that is one great ability.

How can people get involved?

Please feel free to send an email to, or by phone on 0415 078 049 (please text me prior to calling).

I would like to thank all the amazing people who have made it possible for me to be where I am today.