Muscle car rally raises awareness

Steve Sawyer and the 1967 Mustang. Picture: Damjan Janevski

A Sunbury muscle car enthusiast who’s battled cancer is ready to get behind the wheel and raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.

Steve Sawyer is preparing for the foundation’s annual Aussie Muscle Car Run from May 15-21.

Mr Sawyer had a stem-cell transplant after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia and multiple myeloma in 2012.

Now two years cancer-free, he’s looking forward to joining hundreds of other drivers for the charity event, which will include visits to Winton Motor Raceway, Heathcote Park Raceway and South Coast Raceway in Portland.

‘‘It’s a cliche, but it does give you a whole new outlook,’’ Mr Sawyer said of his cancer experience. ‘‘Your priorities change.’’

Mr Sawyer will drive a 1967 Ford Mustang during the seven-day trip. Participants in this year’s run are challenged to raise $2000.

To support Mr Sawyer, phone 0408 218 181.