Morning tea fundraiser

For every $150 raised, two people recently diagnosed with cancer can be provided with one on one support.

The Macedon and Mount Macedon Community House will be holding a biggest morning tea fundraising event on Thursday, May 25, to raise money for cancer.

The event will take place from 10am to noon, with the funds raised going towards cancer research, support and prevention.

Community house president Samara Hodson said the event helps support the work of the Cancer Council and its vision of a cancer free future.

“I wonder how many people know that 162,163 Australians were diagnosed with cancer in 2022,” Ms Hodson said.

“The Biggest Morning Tea is a way of us doing our bit to support the vital work of the Cancer Council.”

According to the Cancer Council half of all Australians are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85, with prostate, breast, bowel, melanoma and lung cancer among the most common.

For every $150 raised, two people recently diagnosed with cancer can be provided with one on one support, connecting them to a trained Cancer Connect volunteer.

The Macedon Community House morning tea is $5 to enter and will include fundraising games such as tea-rivia and guess the cup with the tea.

Individuals wishing to attend should bring morning tea to share and will need to email to register, with donations also accepted from anyone who cannot attend on the day.


Zoe Moffatt